individual enhancement program 

what is an Individual enhancement plan?

An Individual Enhancement Program or Plan (IEP) is a written statement that
describes the goals, adjustments and strategies to meet a player’s
individual development needs so they can reach their potential.


  • Supports the coaching staff to develop a meaningful developmental program for individual players and to track progress DEALS the staff and player made to each other.
  • Provides an opportunity to share information between the player, staff, family and other support professionals.
  • Helps programs to determine resources required to achieve the player’s developmental goals.
  • Promotes players confidence and engagement through involvement in the process.
acquire data

GATHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE PLAYER                                                   

Start with the end in mind.

  • Who is the player?
  • What is their inspiration?  Have they identified their purpose?  What are their goals?
  • What does his mental development plan look like?
  • What is the plan to make sure they are mentally conditioned to prevent them from becoming depressed or overwhelmed?
  • How do you learn best?
  • Identify strengths, interests, challenges & barriers
  • What skills have been shown that he will succeed within this system?
  • Information from formal/informal assessments and observations
  • What skills need to be strengthened for them to play and or be one of the top players in the conference/league?
  • Consider current entry level skills by gathering assessment data
  • How and why have your past coaches been successful coaching you?
  • Player Support System
  • Do we have the system and culture in place that will allow this player to succeed without holding our team’s progress back?




Identify Outcomes   

What do you envision they will be by the time they move on from the program?  How long do you see them being a part of the program?

Strength and Conditioning Plan   

Mental Endurance Plan   

Basketball Development Plan       

Building Basketball IQ Plan

  • What does an individual work out look like for the player?
  • What skills need to be improved upon or strengthened in a group workout?
  • What is the priority of the skills that need to be mastered and why?
  • What are the skills that need to be practiced on a daily basis and why?
  • What skills can be practiced that does not require daily work, how often should the skills be worked on?
  • What is the best way to introduce the player to new drills and concepts?
  • How will we ensure the player is successful in his role on the team while we prepare him for a bigger role?
  • What is the plan set up for his mental growth and endurance?



Teach and Learn                         

What is the best way for teaching and learning to take place for the player?

  • Does the player feel more comfortable walking through the drill or play first or after they have seen it on video?
  • Can the player be a part of the first 5 or demonstration group?
  • How long does the player pick up on new information and what can we do to speed the process up?
  • What are the phrases that the player has to make sure he knows he’s unbalanced or to keep him balanced?



Evaluate each plan and identify if the plan is working.

  • Has the player achieved their goals in the allotted time that was given?
  • If yes, how long did it take to achieve this goal; what is the next goal that needs to be conquered?
  • If no, why is the plan not working; what needs to be adjusted to see improvement; how much more time is needed or should this goal be scrapped?
  • Is there a personal or mental situation that the player is fighting through; did this event help or hinder the development?
  • Is there a personal or mental situation that has the player in a great mental state; did this event help or hinder the development?



Review, Revise, and Reinforce


asseSSMENT cycle

Lets fly together

we do, they don’t


Mental Training is the foundation and cornerstone for successful individuals and it becomes increasingly crucial as you advance in your athletic journey. Just as physical conditioning is vital, so too is mental conditioning. By mastering your mindset early on, you’ll better prepare yourself to navigate both triumphs and setbacks.


Basketball skill encompasses the ability to perform essential movements effectively, both with the ball and without it. Fundamental abilities such as shooting, dribbling, cutting, and defending are vital components of the game. Don’t practice until you get it right, practice until you can’t do it wrong.


Tactical refers to the precise skills that must be employed in response to the unique traits of your opponent and how you anticipate they will react to your strategic approach.


Athletes are only as good as the athlete they are able to compete against.  Strength, Toughness, and Agilities are the separators when combined with skill.  The strength and conditioning program is focused on meeting the challenges of the season while maintaining optimal performance levels.


we do…they dont

lets fly together


different pace,different race,different win